
James Yang


He founded Hooboor and set a whole design-production-sales system. He has a deep insight on sports industry and sports products. He loves to hear from users and care what they experience in using our products. He set plans for main product line and new product development schedule.
He laid foundation for the company’s strategy and plan.

David Huang

Engineering VP

He specifies the production plan every month, every week and every day, controls the warehousing of materials, manages the product quality, ensures that the production progress is completed on schedule and produces qualified products.

Hancheng Tan

Production Manager

As in charge of product quality, Hancheng needs to set up quality standards at the product development stage. Product inspection specifications have been well known prior production. Hancheng can ensure the product quality  is in right way. He is also responsible for communication with customers and solving quality problems.

Elenna Ji

Operation Manager

Elenna supervises activities directly related to production or service provision, guiding and coordinating business activities of production, pricing, sales and / or product distribution, managing employees, preparing work schedules and assigning specific tasks.

Hank QIi

Quality Manager

Hank supervises and guids the normal operation of
the system of the company’s internal quality management department, and
cooperating with the on-site quality supervision supervisor to complete
various works. Supervise the correct implementation of the company’s rules
and regulations and mandatory documents.

Serena Zhang

HR Manager

Serena takes charge of the company’s human resources planning. According to the company’s sales performance requirements or production scale requirements, plan the number of sales personnel or production personnel, and determine the quality conditions of employees, including their education level, moral quality, ability quality, work experience, etc.