Is facial massage really helpful?

Massage is an ancient traditional therapy, which is consistent with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Through different techniques and strengths, the acupoints and meridians of the human body are directly
stimulated, and these effective stimuli are transmitted to the internal organs or affected parts, so as to reconcile Qi and blood, dispel wind and dehumidification, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

1. Clean skin

Facial massage can help accelerate the blood circulation of facial skin, make the blood fully bring nutrients to the cells, accelerate the carbon dioxide and other wastes in the cells to be better discharged from the body, make the
metabolic cells and residues loose and easy to remove, help the skin absorb nutrients, promote blood circulation and metabolism, and keep the skin internally clean.

2. Firm the skin

Facial massage can help awaken the skin and feed the fat cells of subcutaneous tissue. In addition, facial massage can maintain the vitality of fat cells of subcutaneous tissue, make the skin firm, slow down the aging speed of skin, help improve muscle fibers, help them better restore elasticity and make the skin more compact.

3. Glow skin

Facial massage can help even the sebum secretion of the skin, help to maintain the appropriate moisture of the cells, and the appropriate moisture can improve the skin quality, help to consume too much liquid in the tissue,
reduce the expansion and subsidence of the skin, and make the skin moister and younger.

4. Thin face

Facial massage can help thin face and create melon seed small face. Facial massage can consume too much liquid in the skin tissue, accelerate the metabolism of fat and help to thin the face.

5. Anti-aging

Facial massage can help delay skin aging. On the one hand, facial massage can relax pores and keep skin tender and tight. On the other hand, massage can make skin softer and smoother, relax tense muscles, reduce muscle pain, rest facial nerves, restore skin vitality and avoid skin becoming rough and aging.


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